Book Shelf: A Pebble for Your Pocket by Thich Nhat Hanh

**Throwback to 2015** – From the time Thomas and Lillian were born (2005 and 2001) I read to them nightly before going to bed; leading to some time in 2017 when we all decided to discontinue doing so. Their tastes in what interested each of them had solidified by this point. We all continue to be heavy readers, reading daily.

A Pebble for Your Pocket – Mindful Stories for Children and Grown-ups by Thich Nhat Hanh

August 2015: Ask for help and you shall receive …

My son, Thomas (10 years old at the time) got angry the other night and it was spilling out of him in unkind ways. He asked me for help in getting past the moment and was not liking anything I suggested.

It was time for our nightly reading and “A Pebble for Your Pocket” is what we are currently reading. I opened to where we had stopped the night before and this is where we were to begin again, “When We Are Angry”.

Thomas stopped me after reading the title and halfway through the first sentence and said that I had chosen that on purpose. “No, Thomas, I did not. This is where we stopped last night. You asked for help and here it is.”

I felt his energy shift just from hearing this. He was glued to the entire section.

November 2020: This is a wonderful book for all ages. I’ve read it once or twice since this reading in 2015. It’s easy to read, with practical suggestions that work to help with a mindfulness practice.


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