Meet the Author: We Are Saul by Richard Dee

Today we travel to South Devon in England to chat with Richard Dee about how the Merchant Navy, Tower Bridge, Agatha Raisin, a persistent dream, independent authors, spring, sourdough bread, Ripples, a tailor’s dummy, and a cloud of plaster come together as part of Richards’s past and present life.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m Richard Dee and I’m from Brixham in South Devon, England. When I left school, I went to sea in the Merchant Navy, qualifying as a Master Mariner and serving on all sorts of ships. When my children were young, I left the job, with its five-month trips and worked ashore in several different places, before becoming a Thames River pilot. I took ships of all sizes up and down the river, including through Tower Bridge and loved every minute of it. Following a shoulder injury, I took early retirement and moved back to Devon, to a house near the cliffs, where I walk every day.

In which genre do you write?

I write speculative fiction, either sci-fi, steampunk or futuristic psychological thrillers. I also chronicle the exploits of a reluctant amateur detective called Andorra Pett. She’s a cross between Agatha Raisin and Miss Marple, a sleuth for the space age.

How many published books do you have?

I have eighteen novels, three books of short stories and a textbook published under my own name. I’ve also appeared in several anthologies.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer and what ignited your author’s flame?

I never wanted to write, my teachers despaired of my ability at school. Even when I was at sea, visiting places and seeing incredible things, I found it hard to think of anything to write home about. Then, one day, I had a dream that wouldn’t go away. Every night it was the same one. I ended up writing it down, when I did that, more dreams appeared, and I realised they were connected. The rest is history. In a twist, one of my dreams was about a man who had vivid dreams, that became my favourite story of all the ones I’ve written.

What is an interesting writing quirk you have, that we wouldn’t know by reading your biography?

All my ideas come from a moment of inspiration. It might be an overheard remark in a coffee shop or an item I see on T.V. Whatever it is seems to stir some part of my brain and I’ll have a dream, either when I’m asleep or when I’m relaxing. I sort of watch a film of the story playing in my head and just write down what I see. I can rewind or slow the action but I can never fast-forward. So I never know the end until I get there, just like the reader will.

What does your ideal writing space look like?

I have a small office room in our house. It’s untidily tidy, if you know what I mean. It appears to be disorganised but I know where everything is. There are pictures on the walls of special memories, family members and places from my life.

What are you currently reading?

These days, about 95 per cent of the books I read are by independent authors, people who you might never have heard of. I was fed up with the continual repetition of the traditional publishing setup, once they have a best seller, they tend to go wild promoting clones and derivatives of it, you only have to look at bookshop shelves to see that. Indies, being unbound by that sort of restriction, are producing original and different work, that (in my opinion) is far superior.

What is your favorite season and why?

I love spring, with all its promise, when the Earth starts to wake up and there’s new life everywhere.

What do you do when not writing or marketing your books?

I cook, bake Sourdough bread and walk along the cliffs, when I first retired, I set up an Organic bakery in my hometown, I thought it would be something to do. I started supplying local cafés and shops. The business grew far too quickly and I couldn’t keep up, yet I wasn’t making enough to be able to finance expansion, reluctantly, I had to close it down. I still bake for a favoured few but mostly for myself.

What songs hit you with a wave of nostalgia every time you hear them?

There are so many that have that kind of effect, I guess it comes from having a long life with many experiences. Music from the 70s is the biggest source of emotion, especially from bands that I’ve been lucky enough to see. Songs like Ripples by Genesis or the opening of Hot August Night, the live album by Neil Diamond are just two.

What is your favorite time of day and why?

Early morning, the world is quiet and it’s just me, either at my keyboard or out walking in nature.

Have you ever had any Do It Yourself disasters?

I was investigating the loft of a house we had just bought. I had a torch and suddenly saw a tailor’s dummy, looking at me. I stepped back and went through the ceiling, landing in the bedroom in a cloud of plaster.

What are you currently working on?

I have about ten half-finished projects, which I alternate as I get ideas. It can all get very confusing.

Thanks for sharing about yourself with us, Richard. It was great getting to know you a bit more. I absolutely love the mouth watering photos of your bread creations posted on social media. Here’s wishing you all the best! – Camilla


When Saul is paralysed in an accident, he thinks it’s the end of his life. In fact, it’s just the beginning.

While trying to come to terms with his injuries, the mysterious Dr Tendral offers him a way to make a difference. All he has to do is join his project. There are no other details until he agrees, he’s either in or out.
What choice does he have?
Agreeing is just the beginning. Saul undergoes drastic surgery, only then is the full depth of the project revealed.
Or is it?
As time goes on and he learns more about Tendral’s scheme, Saul’s new life becomes increasingly difficult.
In the end, he has to abandon everything as he learns the truth.

All second chances come with a price.

Where to purchase the book:



Connect with Richard:

You can keep up with me at where you’ll find free short stories, regular features on writing, book reviews and guest appearances from other great authors.

There’s also an offer for a FREE novella, when you join my subscriber’s newsletter.

I can be found on Facebook at and contacted by email at mailto:[email protected].


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To support this website and the author’s interviewed, visit Support MTA for suggestions. Thank you! – Camilla, Founder and Host

Meet the Author: A Quirk of Destiny by Catherine Greenall

Today we travel to the UK to chat with Catherine Greenall about how environmentalism, driving change, animal welfare, Hayley Mills, playing the guitar, The Beatles, going for walks, Alfred Hitchcock, being brave, and living on Mars come together as part of Catherine’s outlook on life.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am based in the UK. I am an environmentalist and a vegan and I write to send a message about the harm humans do to our environment and animals.

In which genre do you write?

I write Post-Apocalyptic sci fi thrillers.

How many published books do you have?

Six. The trilogy, a vegan cookbook ‘Vegans Can’t Eat Anything!” and two short story collections.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer and what ignited your author’s flame?

I have always wanted to write and began this more seriously when I had more time after retiring. I was concerned about the issues that humans cause to the world around them. I wanted to drive change, however small.

What are you currently reading?

Pandemic by A.G Riddle which has a lot of resonance to my Quirk of Destiny trilogy

Where did the idea for your most recent book come from?

From my concerns about the environment, animal welfare and the damage we are doing to our health from GM and other toxic food.

What movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of?

I love Whistle Down The Wind starring Hayley Mills, which was filmed in the area where I was brought up and the children were about my age at the time when I first watched it. I love the innocence of the children and how they misinterpret adults’ actions. . Also, I must include A Hard Day’s Night starring The Beatles! A favourite band of mine.

Can you play a musical instrument? 

I can play guitar – and would play it even better if I practiced more!

What do you do when not writing or marketing your books?

I love walking in the countryside and by the sea, wildlife watching, reading, theatre and music.

What songs hit you with a wave of nostalgia every time you hear them?

Anything by The Beatles!

What is the most enjoyable thing you’ve found through writing?

When I get feedback from readers that it has made them think about the world and the way they behave. That’s my job done!

What were your favourite Saturday night programmes when you were growing up?

Westerns! I loved Bonanza, The Big Valley, Tenderfoot. Later on I got into psychological horror like Hitchcock films.

At this stage in your life, what advice would your young self give to your more mature self?

Look, no-one cares about how you look or what you do or say! You should just be brave and true to yourself.

If you could turn into one of your characters for a day, which one would it be and why, what would you do? 

It would have to be environmentalist Jessie, who is partly based on myself. Because she campaigns for the truth about what governments are up to and to inform the people. She tries to do the right thing. It’s what I try to do every day.

If mars or another planet was livable, would you accept a one way ticket there? why or why not?

No. You expect the Martians to put up with a lot of pesky humans!

What are you currently working on?

I am writing a book about a ten-year old girl who has to save the world. It is called Lucy and the Angel and is aimed at children and teens and aims to raise awareness of environmental issues. Although I think a lot of them are pretty switched on anyway!

Tell us about your most recent book.

My most recent book is ‘Destiny of Light’ the final book in my Quirk of Destiny trilogy. The story reaches a shocking end as everything becomes clear.

It was great learning more about you, Catherine!  My son and I are vegan also, and I love how you’ve put your passion into writing. I live about 30 minutes from where Bonanza was filmed! All the best to you, Catherine! – Camilla

A Quirk of Destiny Book blurb:

The Best of the Year 2013. Best books, another definite must-read thriller. Michael Smith, Green (Living) Review

A global conspiracy to control the world by big corporations and evil government infiltrators masterly presented. You will love this conspiracy, presents enough of today’s food service doubts to keep you reading. I’m hooked, will certainly keep a close eye on “what if” this really was to happen, makes this book so much fun to read. Burntroot Broadcasting, Canada

What happens when too much power is held by too few people, where science is used against rather than for the good of mankind. A government scientist is puzzled by a number of incidents involving fellow scientists finds himself caught up in a deadly worldwide epidemic. Dark forces try to manipulate science to control the worlds’ population, as climate change will eventually make it impossible to feed everyone. An anti-GMO novel examines the impacts of new technology on the world with possible environmental and animal right consequences. My Green Directory

Corrupt systems. An evil plot. Can a scientist save humanity from certain death?

Calum still hasn’t recovered from his fiancé’s suicide. So, the principled government scientist throws himself into his work, despite his friends’ efforts to pair him off. When he raises concerns that food not adequately tested has already been approved, he is shocked at attempts to silence him.

As a deadly sickness sweeps the world, the natural leader feels responsible for keeping the survivors safe, especially attractive scientist Jessie. But he finds himself in mortal danger as he unearths a terrible conspiracy and mutants with paranormal powers attack survivors.

Can Calum save humanity from annihilation by an ancient evil force?

Based on real science, A Quirk of Destiny imagines our future if we continue headlong on the current path of toxic food and environmental destruction, combined with political and corporate corruption.

If you like zombie apocalypse, global conspiracy and intelligently written fiction then you’ll love Catherine Greenall’s shocking book.

Where to find the books:

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Social media links:
Quirk of Destiny Facebook page:

Quirk of Destiny Trilogy Trailer:


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To support this website and the author’s interviewed, visit Support MTA for suggestions. Thank you! – Camilla, Founder and Host

Meet the Author: Nightmare Asylum and Other Deadly Delights by Sonia Kilvington

Today we travel to the Mediterranean island of Cyprus to chat with Sonia Kilvington about how becoming a journalist, teaching ESL, being accused of stealing, and The Invisible Man come together as part of Sonia’s past and present life.

In which genre do you write?

I write in many different genres as I like to challenge myself, and I don’t want my writing to be predictable. I began writing murder mysteries and have two books with a detective, who moved out to Cyprus at the same time as I did! Over the last couple of years, I have concentrated upon writing short stories, in noir, crime, psychological horror and a couple of ghost stories. To push my boundaries, I decided to write a science fiction story, and I came up with the idea of infusing human emotions into a ‘companion android’ who would not have the emotional intelligence to control or understand them. The story is called ‘Perfect Love,’ and it’s the best thing I ever have written. Its included in my short story collection; Nightmare Asylum & Other Deadly Delights.

Can you tell me something interesting about your career path – were you always a writer?

I became a journalist by accident after moving to Cyprus. I submitted a couple of poems and a short story to two local magazines, both of whom contacted me and asked me to write articles, features and do interviews for them. It wasn’t paid work, but there were some nice perks, and I learnt a lot about how to structure ‘real’ stories and features. I eventually moved on to write for a business magazine and a gorgeous Russian glossy based in Limassol, as a staff journalist. After the financial crash, all of the magazines closed and I worked freelance for quite a while, before finding a passion for teaching ESL to Chinese children online; which is a job that I am currently enjoying.

Has the Covid19 virus changed the way you work?

The children that I teach have been trapped inside their apartments for months. Most of them are tired and bored, and they complain about getting too much homework from their online schools. Sometimes they can be a little boisterous as they cannot run-around outside to burn off any excess energy. I have been teaching most of them for two years; bonds have been made, and I feel privileged to watch them grow up and be a small part of their lives. With the current situation, I try to be more patient and tolerant. I attempt to keep the lessons light and fun. The Chinese company that I work for has been very good to me. I enjoy working with people from other cultures, as there is always something new and different to learn. I think this keeps me sharp and more connected to the world, which, in turn, improves my writing.

What is the craziest thing that has ever happened to you?

When I was at university, I used to dream about being a writer and would write at home, not daring to show my work to anyone as I suspected I didn’t have much talent or many skills. One day in a literature class, we were asked to copy the style of a war poet, write a line and read it out loud. When my turn came to speak, the lecturer, whom I didn’t like at all, glared at me and said, “You stole that, I’m sure it’s from somewhere… but I can’t quite place it.” I was mortified to be accused of cheating until I realized – she can’t tell the difference, and she has studied this poet for years… It was a weird, light bulb moment, as a sneaky little voice whispered into my ear “what if you really can write?”

Which of your personality traits has been most useful, and why?

My husband says I am dogged; I don’t give up trying, because I find it difficult to let go of things even if they are not working. It’s a blessing and a curse.

At this stage in your life, what advice would your young self give to your more mature self?

Never lose your sense of fun, or give up on your dreams.

What’s the last movie you watched and why did you choose to watch it?

I watched the new version of ‘The Invisible Man’. It was 5 a.m., and I was wide awake, looking for something to do. I really enjoyed the old black and white version with the guy swathed in bandages, wearing dark glasses. It’s a great story, so I thought I’d watch the new movie starring Elizabeth Moss. I love her acting in the ‘Handmaid’s Tale,’ as her character June/Offred, uses cunning and ingenuity to survive. Miss Moss has a lovely face, but she is never ashamed of looking ugly or evil, and there is no thought, fear or idea that she seems afraid to communicate. She excels in playing characters which are simultaneously a victim and an aggressor, and I enjoy the dramatic tension this brings to her performances. It’s something I have tried to recreate in the characters in my own stories, especially ‘Women’s Work.’ Modern technology has moved on dramatically since the first movie came out, and this hi-tech version didn’t disappoint.

If you could turn into one of your characters for a day, which one would it be and why.

I wouldn’t want to be any of my characters in Nightmare Asylum, as they don’t have an easy time of it! Although, I’m part of those characters, as they all contain elements of me and my experience; but in disguise.

What is the most surprising thing you’ve learned about yourself through writing?

People always say the same thing about my writing – I would never have dreamt that you wrote that, as it’s so unlike you. In real life, I try to be a positive person and help others when I can. I don’t really know where the dark stories come from, but I have learnt that the nightmares must be a part of me. My story Nightmare Asylum is based on a reoccurring dream that I had in my twenties. I combined it with my belief in the paranormal, to make something I hope is quite frightening. It certainly frightened me…

What’s your favourite place to visit in your country and why?

I love to visit Polis in my home for the holidays. It’s a beautiful place and we have found a nice secluded hotel where they make their own jam and preserves. There is no entertainment so, it’s a quiet place to write, and if you do manage to be awake at 5 a.m., you can go to the beach and watch the baby turtles hatch and tear along the sand, throwing themselves recklessly, headlong into the tide. It’s a wonderful experience to watch.

Tell us about your most recent book.

My most recent book is an eclectic collection of short stories, ‘Nightmare Asylum & Other Deadly Delights.

It was wonderful to have you on MTA and to learn more about you and your writings. Wishing you all the best Sonia! – Camilla

Nightmare Asylum – Despised by day, tortured by night.

A midwifery student’s life disintegrates into a terrifying nightmare, after a disturbing encounter with the notorious child killer, Evelyn Green. Dark secrets from Lydia’s past unleash a truth that conjures her fears into unspeakable horror.

Other Deadly Delights – Tales from the psychotically unsound and deadly deluded.

A stalker turns serial killer; a cleaning lady is imprisoned in the basement, there’s a prophetic warning for a woman in peril, and an android with love addiction, plus many more… a deliciously dangerous collection of short stories, ranging from psychological horror to paranormal, sci-fi and noir.

Dare you enter the nightmare Asylum?

Where we can find it:

It’s available on Amazon in kindle and paperback versions, although I am still dreaming of an audiobook…

More about Sonia:

Sonia Kilvington is a journalist and fiction writer from the beautiful Mediterranean island of Cyprus. She has published many articles, travel features, short stories and interviews in glossy magazines. She loves to write dark and disturbing short stories in genres such as noir, crime, ghost and Sci-fi. Her online writing credits include Out of the Gutter Online, Spelk fiction, Pulp Metal Magazine & Near to the Knuckle. Her new short story collection, Nightmare Asylum & Other Deadly Delights – published by Close To The Bone, is available on Amazon.

Connect with Sonia:


Amazon author page

FB writer’s page:

Twitter: (@Soniacyprus)




Contact email: [email protected]


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